Wednesday, October 19, 2016

WWW Reflection

The thing I liked the best about the trip is the rafting because we were first and we were the best.
The most challenging thing about the trip was the hiking because it was kinda hard, and the scene making activity because it was stupid.
 I was proud of the fact that I got to high five Carly in the bike road while I was in a golf car and Carly was riding the bike.

Friday, October 14, 2016

coding reflection 2

I'm working in coding on sketchup, right now I'm watching about all the tools.
I really like working in sketchup.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

coding reflection

In coding class I learned to use  sketchup and to create a house.
Its really fun and its good for making stuff for the 3D printer.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My fictional math vacation (cause we need to do that for some reason)

Today I went to the square- root fields, that are located near the PEMDAS canyon.
We got there with the power bus and I saw on my phone some acute characters.
When we got there we rode on pro- tractors, and ate pi.
After that we changed clothes and we looked radical.
Later that day after we got to the omega camp, I called my PARENTheses and I  told them nobody was mean to me, but I lost my braces.
That afternoon we went to have a picnic near the factor tree, and I met a new friend named Alpha.
We ate lota food and I was positive that it was a good time, except for the fact that I tripped on a root of a number.
On my way back we played games because the adults weren't so strict, and I was average. My best friend Gamma won because his accuracy was above everyone.
When I got home, my parents hugged me and kissed me quadruple the times they do normally.
When I look back, I guess that this vacation was like a perfect square!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My first blog of the year

My name is Hadas Friedman and my hobbies are: knitting, gaming, reading, and drawing.
In five years I would like to know how to draw better, and have good grades.

For me, science is most like a book, that opens up and reveals what's inside. It’s like a book for me because  at first when people look at the cover it's scary and it looks boring, but after they’ll look inside and read a bit, they’ll find an entirely different world. That world is way more interesting and way less scary than what it looked like on the cover and you’ll get sucked in because it is so interesting.   

I hope to become a critical and creative thinker because I want to know how to think more outside of the box and to come up with creative ideas, to understand the project and my goals and objectives, and to be able to put my skills together to achieve my goals.
I think this is what I am weaker at so I want to improve in it.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Civil Rights unit reflection

“Why are silence and indifference to the suffering of the others never acceptable?”
At the start of the unit, our teacher asked us that question and I didn’t know why; now I do.
There were many surprising things in the Civil Rights Movement, and one of them was that many people were willing to risk their lives just to get equal rights and just so they wouldn’t be inferior.
There were many bold people in the Civil Rights Movement, and an example of one was Martin Luther King, Jr., who inspired me to have grit, and hope.
While learning about the Civil Rights Movement I discovered and learned many new vocabulary words such as: Grit, determined, boycott, and nonviolent.

We also watched a movie called “42”, a movie about Jackie Robinson, the first black baseball player to play in the MLB with white people. I learned that the thing that will make you strong wouldn’t be that you can fight back, but that you have the guts NOT to fight back.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Second quarter Reflections

These are my reflections on quarter 2:
Ell Humanities was easy in some parts and hard in other parts.
I liked reading the book about Iqbal and doing the interview about him, but the spelling tests were too challenging for me.
All of my tests’ grades were from A+ to B (most of them were A+ ;3), and most of the times I got an A+ were the homework, but on some of the tests… well…… yeah.
I think that most of the time I do my homework with effort.  Most of the times I work hard on the assignments, listen carefully in class and ask questions when I don’t understand. About conduct, Most of the time I am meeting expectations, but sometimes I “explode” when I’m angry or upset on something/someone and I still need to work on that.

I am very happy that my comment was mostly positive, and I will continue working on my capitals and punctuation. I’m pleased with my grade but I will still try to make it better this quarter, that’s for sure!