Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Medieval Race

one month ago, we started a project in history that included making a game about one of the ancient civilizations in the world. I chose to work with Jami and Talia, and we decided to make our game be about medieval Europe. The title of the game was "The Medieval Race", and it is a board game, based on candyland, another popular board game. the main purpose of the game is to cross to the finish line with as much money and experience points as possible. In order to accomplish that, the players must go from one side of the board to the other, while collecting collecting and losing money and picking up cards that tell them what to do: from going forwards or backwards, gaining or losing money, staying in your place, to gaining/ losing EXP.
when we where creating the game, I was responsible for the money design, the contents of the cards and the prototype of the board, Talia was responsible for the design of the board, and Jami was responsible for the instructions.
My thoughts about the final product are that I think that the game turned out pretty well, despite some trouble we ran into. I think that while the game was a bit rough around the edges and not perfect, it still was fairly enjoyable, and from what I've heard most people who played it enjoyed the game.        

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