Sunday, April 22, 2018

My Learning Style By Hadas Friedman

         There are three common learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. each human being has a slightly different mix of those three styles. I am mainly a visual learner, but I also have some of the elements and aspects of an auditory and kinesthetic learner. Being a visual learner means that the preferred and most effective method of studying for them is by visually organising their notes. An Auditory learning style is when students understand the subject material by only listening to audio. Kinesthetic learners learn best by performing physical activities. According to the data collected by the Self Assessment Survey, I scored six points for visual, and four points for both auditory and kinesthetic. I expected the given result with the auditory score, since I don’t remember most of my subjects if I only listen to them. Despite of what was expected, it seemed that I did have a slight cross- over with with all styles. I can remember learning english when I was very young by only watching youtube videos. I was honestly surprised by the low results of the kinesthetic score, because I will usually need to try doing things by myself in order to fully understand them. I was kind of expecting to have a high score on the visual aspect, because I am very fond of art and I love to draw and make clay works. I need to visually organize my notes and make sure everything is in line whenever I write. When I read, I always imagine the scene as a drawing. Now that I fully know what my learning style is, I can finally learn how study more efficiently and be able to prepare better for tests and studies.

Munir Vafai: A Hidden Diamond By Hadas Friedman

           Like a diamond in the rough, Munir Vafai goes mostly unnoticed by most people, including me, because of his calm and quiet nature. But being quiet does not mean that he is not a lively student that loves his friends and studies. He is from South Carolina, born to a family of native English speakers. His entire childhood was spent there: even his first memory is in South Carolina, playing around in his yard. Munir Vafai is a keen student who favors math and English in school, and succeeds in all of his classes. Despite not having a clear vision on what he wants his future to be and still has no idea of how he wants to pursue his career, Munir already knows for sure that he wants to be remembered as a person who worked toward changing the world and making it better. With the help, nourishment, and education of the most important people in his life, his parents, Munir worked hard to become what he is now. The experiences of his life helps polish him to be the humane and kind hearted human being that he is in the past, present, and future.